My Story

My Story

When I was 11, I could smell my grandma’s curry from the street when I stepped off the school bus. I’d race to the kitchen for a quick spoon directly from the pot.

I was never caught 🙂

Love to experiment with cooking

Day by day, my sneaky tasting habits developed my palate. I grew up loving to explore and experiment with cooking, soon I became a junior curry chef!
But, when I started cooking meals for my family every day, I got frazzled. It was time-consuming and messy, especially after a long day at work. There had to be another way. How could grandma cook for 20 people in under 30 minutes?

Then I remembered, there was always some curry paste in the freezer, for when family and friends dropped in. I knew this was a genius idea and decided to try it myself.

Using natural ingredients

Using quality, curated and natural ingredients, I slow-cooked and hand-stirred a collection of curry pastes.

Soon, my dinners became exotic. I was serving healthy, delicious and quick meals resulting in less time in the kitchen, which meant more quality family time over the dining table. My kids even began eating veggies and now can cook a mean curry too! It showed me that happy, healthy bellies create a wholesome, content family.

Over the years, when people asked how I was doing it, I’d share my pastes with them and say, “Choose your protein and veggies, add liquid (like water, broth or cream) and simmer. It’s that easy!”

That’s how Kavita’s Kitchen was born. I want to help families create simple Asian-inspired meals, without toiling over the stove.

I hope you enjoy the curries, from my kitchen to your dinner plate!

Bon Appetit!

Kavita Anand.